Cloud_Compliance_logo-1NetApp Cloud Data Sense

Hybrid cloud and on-premises data discovery, mapping, and classification

Driven by powerful AI algorithms, NetApp® Cloud Data Sense provides automated controls and reporting so that you can always stay on top of your data.

Find anything, anywhere, anytime.

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Discovery and classification

Data governance is first and foremost about knowing what data you own and where every little piece is. Then you need to classify it by importance. NetApp Cloud Data Sense allows you to automate discover, classification, and labeling.


Data categorization and ownership control

Determine data ownership, and then automate the processes for deleting data or performing other actions.


Privacy control

Uncover human profiles in cluttered data and align with privacy regulations. Get x-ray vision into your data.

Address data subject access requests in seconds

Highlights of data privacy status


Data optimization

Delete, archive, or protect data according to enterprise policies and global regulations. Increase storage efficiency by identifying duplicate, stale, or non-business-related data.